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Tuesday, November 09, 2004

End-of-Year Workshop
Wow, what a busy day today was. It's amazing how everything worked out so nicely. Just in case you have no idea what's going on, let me fill you in.

The teachers would be having their End-of-Year staff workshop tomorrow and some colleagues and I were given the task of coordinating it. It's really tough and extremely challenging to put a workshop together. However, I must add that it's really fun to work together as a project team. Hahaha...that is if you have like-minded project mates. I guess that is the same when students are assigned group mates for their project. Everyone wants the most co-operative people in their group. Personally, I truly enjoy projects more than paper work. =)

Anyway, we revamped and redecorated the library. Aluminium strips were pasted on the pillars in a spiral manner, the tables were nicely covered with checkered plastic table cloths we got from Value $1.05 shop and little ornaments with potpurri were strategically positioned in the centre of the table. All these and more were added to the originally lifeless library... and voila... the transformation was AMAZING! I remember telling one of my colleagues that the library is now a "happening" place. I must admit that I was suitably impressed by the great job we did. I will try to put up some pictures tomorrow. After all, seeing is believing!

I believe that tomorrow's workshop would be a great success. Looking forward to the workshop but not to the fact that I have to crawl out of bed at 6 am. *Wails* However, a project member must do what a project member must do, despite the dark eye circles and massive, dangling eyebags!

Oh yes, angels who are down for my remedial session this Thurday, I would have to postpone it to Friday. *Clubs myself for not realising that Thursday is Deepavali*
