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Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Makes me wonder
Hi guys, finally got to the root of my problem. My tagboard was the sole cause. No wonder there were no words when I loaded my blog earlier on. Arggghhh... this blog is really exasperating! Perhaps the template I chose has some bugs. How unlucky can I get? I have now removed it and hopefully my blog can be read. I will put up a new tagboard pretty soon. Meanwhile, do continue reading my blog yah?

Anyway, I really want to rant in this blog. Somehow or other, I find myself pulled in all directions. It seems almost as if I cannot breathe. It's the holidays, so why is this happening? I keep asking myself but I simply cannot provide any answers to the question. Many may think that teachers are actually the luckiest beings on earth, being blessed with a 2-month long holiday. How many people ot there actually realise that teachers actually have to go back to school every day until 19th Nov and we still have duties assigned to us. Hey angels, you are not the only people with holiday homework, yah? I think I have much more on my hands than you do....sighs. How I wish I was a student all over again...I promise to do all my homework and obey my teachers. Honest! Cross my heart.

Enough of the nasties. I was quite shocked when my father actually asked me if I was interested in doing Lasik for my myopia. Shock was the word to describe, as in the past, the moment I brought up the subject, I was immediately silenced by him, claiming that Lasik was highly dangerous and that one could go blind. What made my dad change his mind? I presume it's the fact that the cost of Lasik is now really, really affordable. Such that a poor girl like me can afford it. Nevertheless, I told him I would adopt a wait-and-see attitude first. Whatever will I do with my contact lenses otherwise? However, I can definitely say that I would go under the laser pretty soon. I want my 6/6 vision like my cousin, Michael!
