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Monday, November 08, 2004

My "Lame" Blog
Well, I have just received a comment on my blog that it is "lame". What does "lame" mean anyway? That my blog is crippled? How can it be so when my blog has no legs? *dripping with sarcasm*

Anyway, I really cannot comprehend why anyone would read and flame other people's blogs. It seems as if these pathetic losers have nothing better to do. Oops...anonymous, or whoever-you-are, if you feel so strongly about my blog, I have a very sincere advice. KEEP OUT! Simply click on the cross icon on the top right hand corner and vamooosh... out of my sight.

I am not mean by nature and I hope I never will be. In fact, I detest people who put others down. To anonymous, my blog is not suitable for your reading, I guess. Well, perhaps you can recommend me your blog site instead. I am enjoying writing my daily blog and I hope that if you find my blog needs improvement, kindly show or tell me how by giving me constructive suggestions and not by bombarding my tagboard with nasty comments.

I have already said that I am very new to blogging. In fact, my current page exists only about a week old. The earlier blogs were copied from another previous blog site which didn't take off. I admit that my blog site is not the pinnacle of perfection. However, please do not slam other people's work just like that. It's really not very fair.

Anyway, I do hope that anonymous is not one of my students. I would really be very disappointed if it turns out to be so.

Signing off


"Everyone needs encouragement. We could definitely do better without people who put others down." ~ Annabel
