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Thursday, January 27, 2005

Those were the days...
Guess it's truly about time that I start blogging again.

It seems almost yesterday that I started blogging(actually it was 2.5 months ago) and I have managed to get 4400 hits already. Thanks for your support, everyone! It is through this form of encouragement that keeps me blogging and writing.

I had a fantastic time yesterday watching the Sec 2 students' Captain Ball Tournament organised by the Student Council. It was a refreshing sight to see students transform literally from peace-loving, docile and meek students to aggressive, sporty and menacing beasts on the courts. Indeed, it was truly a mind-opener for me to see a totally different side of the angels!
The Student Leaders are doing a wonderful job organising the activities. Despite the fact that many of them had to umpire and roast under the scorching sun, many of them took pride and glory in hosting the events for the students. I was most impressed by their leadership abilities and sacrificial spirit!

I was cheering the students on wildly. Haha, the angels would probably never expect to see this wild side of me in class as I am normally serious when I teach. I had probably shocked many people by screaming away in support of the classes I teach.

This reminds me of the time I spent in my secondary school and JC days when I too, took part in many tournaments, basketball, volleyball, rock-climbing to represent my class or my department. In the university, I took up fencing for approximately 7 months. Indeed when I reminiscence about the yesteryears, the fond memories I have will come rushing back to me fast and furious. Sigh... those were the days. I really miss being a student!

A nostalgic Annabel signing off
