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Friday, December 30, 2005

Perhaps it was due to school reopening jitters.

Perhaps it was due to exhaustion after a long day of painting banners.

Perhaps it was due to the news I received yesterday.

Anyway, I had a rough time last night, tossing and turning in bed, trying my utmost to sleep but to no avail. The last time I checked my handphone for the time, it was 5.15 am.

Yes, I slept at 5.15 am last night.

Perhaps it was because I was thinking too much. It was no use trying to quieten the hyperactive brain of mine. I tried coaxing my brain cells to cease all activities but somehow I failed. My brain cells were overactive and firing like mad last night as I looked in envy at my brother who was already deep in slumber.

Perhaps it was the serenity of the night that allowed me to ponder clearly over the path I am going to take next year. There were probably too many things on my mind but the stillness of the night was surprisingly therapeutic and allowed me to reflect comprehensively. I was (and probably still is!) someone who can think, work and study better at night.

I have never felt so lost yet so sure that there was a purpose in my inability to sleep last night.

Perhaps it was the still of the night that was reassuring. I felt totally relieved when I woke up at 10 am this morning, knowing what I am going to do.


Looking back at my entry in Dec 2005 last year, I decided to relook my resolutions I had set for myself.

Remember these?
My resolutions for 2005:
1) I hope to complete most of my work in school instead of bringing them home. This is so that I can spend more quality time with my family and friends.

Not really fulfilled. Need to work on this resolution in 2006 since the new school is so much closer to my home.

2) Learn new strategies on how to make my lessons more exciting and experiential for all my new angels.

Haha. I would say this year has been good in terms of innovative teaching and learning. Together with E, we tried to make EL lessons more fun for the angels. However, I am still not satisfied. More work on this next year, with emphasis on Maths lessons since I would be taking on more Maths classes next year.

3) Allow students to take up more responsiblity in their own learning(Still thinking of how to do this).

I think getting students to take responsiblity in their own learning is not an easy task. I believe it's painful for the students in the beginning but I always emphasize on the fact that students need to take control of their learning.

4) Get a new hair cut.

Done this so many times. I guess 2005 is memorable because of this.

5) Lasik my eyes (Still deliberating whether or not to perform lasik).

Postponing this to 2006 as I am still waiting for an ideal moment and for the price to go down even further. I really hope I don't chicken out on this!

6) Exercise more to get a trimmer and leaner figure.

2005 has been a year of sloth for me. I believe I have put on quite a bit of weight. Come 2006, more exercise for a healthier me! I don't believe in dieting and abstinence of food at all.

7) Learn to relax and not over-panic.

Probably after 3 1/2 years of teaching, I have learnt to be more patient and react calmly to situations. Perhaps after dealing with 1001 emergencies, the other situations seem so trivial in comparision.

8) Relate more to students on a personal level.

I hope I managed to do this, especially to my angels in my home class, CO, the classes I teach. This is something that only these angels will know.

More resolutions for 2006:
1)Put God first, all the time, anytime, everytime.
2)Focus on improving my teaching pedagogy.
3) Value-add to students' learning
4) Keep my tresses long.

For my blogders, I hope 2006 will be a year of transformation for you.

For my angels, I know you are no longer angels from 1E1 and 1E2 so I would be doing some spring-cleaning to my links, so let me know if you want your blog page to be linked to mine. Put in your best in whatever you do.

Happy New Year!

A sleepless Nana signing off
