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Friday, December 01, 2006

A Faithful Servant; A Loyal Friend
His master said to him, `Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a little, I will set you over much; enter into the joy of your master.'

Matthew 25:21

Nicky breathed his last today. He lived a wonderful 14.5 years(equvalent to a 101.5 year old man) with us. It was a heart-wrenching decision to have to put him to sleep.


That was how we felt simply looking at him waste away the last week. He couldn't walk, urinate nor stand. Instead he simple lay on the grey granite floor, whimpering in pain, with a faraway look in his eyes; almost as if he knew his time was up.


It was simply painful watching him suffer in silence as pain wrecked his entire body. He had no way of expressing his pain, except by whining the entire night. Bro sat with him the night before, offering him words of comfort and tried to pat him to sleep. Watching him suffer was the worst thing.

I remember when I gingerly cradled him in my arms for the first time. I was in Secondary One and eagerly selected him from among the entire litter of eight pups. He was the chosen one and was named Nicky as I always wanted a white dog by that name. I remember his fluffy white fur and the curious way he used to sniff at me each time I came home from school. I remember that he was never one to be intimidated, for he even took on dogs much bigger than him. He has definitely brought the family much joy with his whimsical antics, 14 years of loyalty and friendship. I remember vividly the time when we cornered a rat in the house and how Nicky valiantly took on the role of an aggressor. These were the beautiful memories.

Sadly, I did not have the opportunity to see him off.

I wished I had.

There's this weird atmosphere in my house for the loss of a family member is never easy. Bro's gf cried so hard.

I'm glad that he has found the peace he deserves. For all dogs go to heaven. I believe Nicky will too.
