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Monday, February 12, 2007

Rocky the Menace
Observe the innocence my 8-month old puppy, Rocky, displays at the sight of a camera. Notice his puppy-like eyes and harmless face.

Well, as I always say, looks can be deceiving. Don't be taken in by his looks of innocence or even his doeful eyes that invite pity.

My golden has been termed 'Rocky the Ripper' at home. For he has chewed up countless pairs of shoes left unattended. I believe he has a strong fetish for high heels for his choice of shoes he chose to leave his marks on were heels. Sadly, even visitors to my home have not been spared. Rocky went on a shoe rampage and chewed up 3 pairs of my colleagues' shoes until they were beyond recognition in a matter of hours.

Check out the evidence below:

Colleague's heels 1

Ma's new heels 2

PH's crocs' accessories.

Having learnt our lesson, we try to keep our shoes on the rack at all times. Sigh...
*Edited to add* Rocky struck again today! At my shoes...-_-
